Signature Drink

Trà hoa cúc lá dứa and Trà đào cam sả are two delightful Vietnamese tea creations, each offering a distinct flavor profile and cultural significance.

🌟 Trà hoa cúc lá dứa, known for its soothing qualities, combines the delicate floral notes of chrysanthemum flowers with the refreshing essence of panda leaves. This tea is cherished for its calming properties and pleasant aroma, making it a popular choice for relaxation and enjoyment.

🌟 Trà đào cam sả features the vibrant flavors of peach, orange juice and lemongrass. This blend balances the fruity sweetness of ripe peaches with the citrusy orange and lemongrass, creating a refreshing and invigorating tea experience. Often served chilled with ice, it is a favorite during hot weather for its cooling and rejuvenating qualities.

Both teas exemplify Vietnam’s rich tea culture and become the signuature drink of Gạo Vietnamese Kitchen. Our ingredients are carefully selected to create harmonious and aromatic blends that delight the senses and offer a moment of tranquility in every sip.